Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gerai ITNM di Pesta Buku PWTC 2011

TIAP-TIAP tahun pergi ke pesta buku di PWTC jadi macam tak
terasa kemeriahannya. Tapi tahun nih semangat sket sbb nak pergi
ke gerai Institut Terjemahan Negara (ITNM) kerana judul-judul
buku yang ditawarkan amatlah cantik, menarik kau memang dabomb 
gitu heheh XD

Apakan daya, nafsu membeli memang Ya-Allah, kalau boleh angkut
semua @.@ dan buat personal library tapi saya hanya mampu membeli 3
judul sahaja..

Mesti ramai tanye apasal sy beli buku2 kisah kisah dongeng?
Sebab saya nak mendalami cara pemikiran rakyat sesebuah
negara. Ianya sangat menarik kerana saya nak tahu mengapa
mereka berfikiran begitu, dan pastilah kisah kisah dongeng
yang diceritakan dalam cerita2 rakyat agak mempengaruhi-
seperti kisah Hang Tuah dan Mahsuri yang mempengaruhi
perwatakan dan jiwa masyarakat Melayu, sepertimana
Kisah Ramayana dan Mahabrata mempengaruhi pemikiran
masyarakat India serta Pengembaraan ke Barat dan Kisah 
3 Negara mempengaruhi masyarakat Cina..

Disamping itu saya bertemu juga dengan judul2 buku yang
saya pernah baca dan gemari di zaman remaja seperti

Rasanya seperti di sekolah menengah semula apabila terjumpa buku
'Badai Semalam' dan seperti baru semalam menyorok di belakang
abah semasa menonton adaptasi drama 'Seorang Tua di Kaki Gunung'
ketika mereka mahu memotong kakinya yang tersepit dihimpit balak...

Terdapat juga buku-buku sastera Melayu yang hebat yang saya masih
belum dapat menjamahnya seperti

TULANG-TULANG BERSERAKAN-Judul yang amat hebat dan menghambat jiwa

Saya tabik kepda ITNM kerana berusaha mendaulatkan sastera-sastera
tempatan dengan menterjemah ke bahasa2 asing seperti Perancis, Jerman,
Thai, dan Mandarin. Kualiti buku yang dihasilkan amatlah tinggi-rugi kalau
dah pergi tapi tak beli X((

P/S: Guru2 yg ingin membeli buku2 terbitan ITNM untuk sekolah akan
mendapat diskaun 40% sepanjang Bulan Buku. Apa lagi?

Rujukan : laman rasmi ITNM

Things You Don't Know about Me #1

#1. People who just met me would never guess that I am an
English teacher. NEVER. SERIOUSLY.

case in point, im my first school they all thought I was posted
as 1. a clerk  or  2. ustazah lol
Some even thought I taught history or Life Skills
Whenever I go for courses, Eng would be the last subject
they think I teach

People always approach me selling their "Learn English
in 30 Days" products which actually means I don't
look the part

But I'm not complaining cuz it's nice to defy people's 

As a side note, what's with the "Learn Eng in 30 Days"
products? Many of us learned Eng since kindergarten
and still fail at it, and one can master it in just 30 days?
Rubbish... XPP

And now u know something useless about me lololol

Till next time, the post today is brought to you by the
letter E and number 1 XDDD

Monday, April 25, 2011

In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes

Original Text

In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes,
For they in thee a thousand errors note;
But ’tis my heart that loves what they despise,
Who in despite of view is pleased to dote.
Nor are mine ears with thy tongue’s tune delighted,
Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
Nor taste, nor smell, desire to be invited
To any sensual feast with thee alone.
But my five wits, nor my five senses, can
Dissuade one foolish heart from serving thee,
Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man,
Thy proud heart’s slave and vassal wretch to be.
  Only my plague thus far I count my gain,
  That she that makes me sin awards me pain
Too difficult? How about the Modern Text? Taken from NoFearShakespeare
I swear, I don’t love you with my eyes: They notice a thousand flaws in you. Rather, it’s my heart that loves what my eyes despise; despite what you look like, my heart dotes on you. Nor are my ears delighted by the sound of your voice. Nor do I want to abuse my delicate sense of touch by groping you. Nor do my sense of taste or smell want to be invited to any feast of the senses in which you’re the main course. But neither my brain nor my five senses can dissuade my foolish heart from being your servant. My body stands here like an empty shell with no one to control it, while my heart goes off to be your slave and wretched property. I gain one thing from being plagued with love for this woman: The same woman who’s making me sin rewards me with pain.
In simple words,
it's not your appearence that I love, but
I love you and only you no matter what you look


The Sun and The Moon

As usual, a short excerpt taken from the excellent Paul Coelho's blog

– Do you see the moon, how beautiful it is? It will cross the entire 
firmament, and tomorrow the sun will shine once again.
“But sunlight is much brighter, and can show the details of the 
landscape around us: trees, mountains, clouds.
“I have contemplated the two for years, and have never heard 
the moon say: 
why do I not shine like the sun? Is it because I am inferior?

The moon and the sun are different things, 
each has its own beauty. You cannot compare the two.

EXACTLY. People always make the mistake that other
people should be like them. But they should realise that nobody is like
someone else. NOBODY. We are all different and unique individuals.
We carry our upbringing, our train of thoughts and our past experiences
who make us what we are.

Teachers, most often than not, make this mistake. We assume every
student should be like any other student when we know they never are.
Educational psychology emphasizes this. But sadly many teachers in
the profession jumps into this bandwagon, and slap this unto their
students 'if others could do it why not you'. Their uniqueness are
heresy. Their creativity condemned. Their decision blasphemous.
At the end of the day, we should ask ourselves
are we teachers, who show the way or are we just a part of the
machinery in a factory called school and that the end products are
denizens of society without any apparitions of self and the very
remnant of their beautiful soul?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Kosmetik Disenaraihitam

Kementerian Kesihatan telah menyenarai hitam beberapa
produk kosmetik kerana menancam kesihatan pemakai.
Mereka ialah BML HB Lotion, Krim Malam Shana dan  
Natasya Gold Krim Herba dikatakan mengandungi tretinoin 
dan hydroquinone sementara Biotox Whitening Hydro Cream 
mengandungi dexamethasone dan Yoko Whitening Cream 
serta Sue Beauty Night Treatment Cream mengandungi tretinoin.
TRETINOIN: boleh menyebabkan penglupasan, kemerahan kulit
ketidakselesaan dan sensitif pada cahaya matahari

HYDROQUINONE: pelunturan warna kulit, hypersenstiviti dan 
pengelapan biru kehitaman pada kulit

Ia menghalang proses pigmentasi dan menghilangkan kebolehan
kulit untuk menghalang sinar UV dan membawa pada kanser kulit

DEXAMETHASONE:sejenis stereoid boleh menyebabkan masaalah 
kulit, kulit kering, jerawat, penipisan kulit dan meningkatkan risiko
jangkitan kulit.

Penggunaan berterusan boleh menggangu kelenjar adrenal, 
metabolisme dan kegagalan tindakan sistem imun

waah... bahaya sungguh produk2 nih. Risau pulak bacer sbb adik sy
seorang tuh pengguna setia satu produk di atas. Lepas nih nak kene
nasihatkan dia supaya berhenti menggunakannya...
Dahlah beli mahal-mahal, rupanya memudaratkan...

Baik buat sendiri. Beli jer ape2 jenis buah pastu tepek kat muke..
Serius nih... Buah oren atau limau untuk cerahkan kulit... aloe
vera untuk haluskan kulit... timun untuk kenyalkan kulit...santan
kelapa untuk gebukan kulit...
Paling sempoi, kalau dah teruk sgt, ambik jer air basuhan beras...
Kalau beras organik, basuhan pertama dah ok dah... tapi kalau
beras yg biasa kite beli kat kedai tuh, ambillah basuhan yang
ketiga... boleh terus tepek kat muke atau kalau rajin, rebus air tuh
dan simpan dalam bekas... boleh buat toner tuh...

Saya tahu sbb sy buat sendiri... cubalah.. selepas 2 minggu
akan terasa perbezaannya..  :-))

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tugas Baru:Pemerhati Berat Badan

Para guru akan diberikan tugas baru iaitu memastikan berat badan
anak-anak murid mereka tidak melebihi berat ideal/optimum 
supaya pabila mereka dewasa, tiada generasi yang obes.

Rupanya Malaysia merupakan negara paling ramai obes di Asia 
Tenggara dan keenam paling obes di Asia---ha, inilah 

Memang begitulah adatnye, bile nak rectify something, maka
beban akan tergalas di bahu pendidik. Taklah nak komplen
sangat (huu~) tapi mmg banyak tugas ditolak pada guru hmmm..

Tengok berita AWANI tadi dan kementerian akan senaraihitamkan
kantin2 yang menjual makanan2 yg tak sihat...
Masalahnye ialah makanan semakin mahal dan sudah resmi dunia,
semakin bagus sesuatu benda itu, semakin mahallah harganya
Tengoklah sayur2 organik makaih 4-5 kali ganda harga sayur 

Kebanyakan makanan yg dijual dikantin adalah jenis frozen food
yg kaya dgn trans-fat-lemak PALING BAHAYA yang paling 
sukar dibakar berbanding lemak tepu dan tak tepu. Contoh,
burger, nugget, karipap, popia... Tuh belum lg yang digoreng
deep fry seperti roti bersalut telur, burger goreng (eewww..)
pisang goreng dan lain2. Camner nk control? Budak2 bukannye
tahu ape yg bagus untuk die.. Lepas nih mesti naik harga kuih muih
tuh, sbb cam rokok dan mee segera, mereka dengan bodohnye
menaikkan harga untuk menyekat ramai dari menghisap dan 

-Kantin juallah makanan yg bersup2 shj.. atau jual ubi rebus,
  keledek rebus pun sodap
-Jual salad buah, salad sayur dan yogurt boleh? takpun
sandwich-tuna sgt bagus sbb ade Omega dan DHA utk otak..
-toksah dah jual air bersusu yg menggunakan susu pekat manis
cam teh susu, nescafe dan milo. Jual yang kosong-kosong shj.
Tengok cam Jepun, sbb badan pelajar2 mereka langsing
ialah kantin sekolah mereka hanya jual air kosong atau green
tea tanpa gula.

p/s; sy tahu, sy pun paku dulang paku serpih, tp menu dikantin
adalah menu yg same sejak sy kecik... kenape tak ubah?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Movie Review: GANTZ

So last weekend I had a chance to watch the live adaptation
of GANTZ. It was actually a seinen manga, which means
the demographic targeted at young adults 21-30 maybe.
Anyway, since I enjoyed seinen more than shounen and
a few other factors *cough Matsuyama Kenichi cough*
I honestly don't see why I shouldn't be there XDD

WARNING! this post is loaded with pics so...



Kei-chan the pervert ppffff

Kei Kurono is an undergrad looking for a job. So he spends 
time going for interviews and one day, he notices his primary school
classmate, Kato Masaru on the subway. He is hesitant to ask him

but when a hobo fell on the track of an incoming express train, Kato
jumps in to help. Kato, recognising Kei, asks for his help but 
Kei pretends not to know him.

After pushing that hobo up to safety, the train is coming so fast
that Kato has no time to get off the track. Kei reaches his hands and
Kato grabs it but the momentum resulted in both of them thrown
back at the track unto the path of the train...

Both of them then realise that they are in a room and inside it there
is a big black ball and a few people.

Another person appears, a girl names Kei Kishimoto. The way
she appeared was one limb by one limb from streaming lights coming
from the black ball. Because Kishimoto appears naked, the men
try to take advantage of her but is stopped by Kato who gives her
his clothes.
Kato fending off that perverted man

Then a song plays from the ball and there are writings on it.

The BM translation for this was 'dan itulah cara segalanya musnah' and I was like MWAHAHAHA XDDDD

Apparently it says that all of them are dead and their old lives are gone.
And they must do what the ball orders them to do.

The ball tells them to kill the alien in the picture before the time

The black ball opens to reveal an arsenal of weapons, and
bags that contain special suits. In the middle of the ball is a man
connected to the ball still breathing and alive

The bags have names of their owners

bald, naked man

They try to figure out what's happening when one of them had a
theory that they are all being hospitalized and drugged. While
talking they are sent to the place of their mission.
CIEL!!!!! Ooppss wrong movie!!

They were cockbull by Joichiro Nishi, saying that it's a reality game
and if they kill the target they would get $100,000. Sad to say it
was all bullocks and the aliens are a pair of father and son. They
killed the son, found out by the father and they were massacred
(it was so horrible that I don't have the stomach to post the pics)
Our group of main characters survived though because they didn't
join in and because Joichiro intervenes. It turns out Joichiro is a
veteran of this and he didn't reveal the truth in the beginning because
he believes only the fit will survive (Social Darwinism sucks!!)

example of GANTZ' snide remarks

Everyone is given points and Joichiro get 5 marks.The ball, or
GANTZ as Joichiro calls it, makes fun of them with remarks like
'boobs' like what it calls Kishimoto LOL

The pictures of the dead are also shown.

Kato is furious at Joichiro for letting the other people die while
Joichiro calls him "FAGS"

Joichiro reveals that as long as they don't die during the mission, no
matter how bad their conditions are, they would be all fine and
dandy when they return to Gantz. And that they will be called

They return to their normal lives and after a lecture, Kei is pursued
by a cute-as-button Tae Kojima who apparently harbors a crush on
Kei-chan. Kei doen't realise this as he keeps thinking about what
happened the other day

One night they return to the room and their mission is to kill the
Tanaka Alien or I call it the BoomBox.

It was pretty terrible and the BoomBox was very clever. In this
mission we learn more about the suits.
Kato makes the suit bulk-up to crush the BoomBox

In this mission, we learn that once a person hits 100 marks, he
could choose from the 100-menu. Joichiro by the way, was killed
by the boombox (RIP bishounen)

Kei becomes excited with what he gains and practises with the
suit not unlike Peter Parker when he first gets his spidey power.

Kei also hangs out with Tae and finds out she's an aspiring manga
artists (though all she draws is him LOLOL)
Kishimoto the opportunist and I'm sooo jealous 8(

Kishimoto, at the same time, hangs out with her crush Kato and
reveals of her suicide before she appears in the Gantz room. Kato
also discloses a bit about himself and Ayumu, his lil brother.

Who would've guessed all these tender moments are
the calm before the storm...?

Another bishounen to the group, Hiroto Suzuki

True enough, they are called for the 3rd time, and this time there are
new faces. Kato tries to convince them to wear the suits but Kei
disagrees with Kato.

it's either my way or the highway

Kei has gone over his head and tells Kato he will save em all. He
apparently follows Social Darwinism too LOLWUT?
last stand

So they arrive at a museum of sorts that houses religious relics.
(This arc is famoulsy known as The Temple Aliens)

frickin huge

They manage to kill the big alien but it turns out that Gantz had a
 bonus section that he didn't tell them. There is another one in the
museum and it is a deadly one.

It's one hundred arms-Konzen which means it has 100 weapons O.o
And it's damn fast too. Kishimoto dies while trying to save Kato
well less rival for me yay *slaps face*

And Kato dies too (NOOOOOOOOO..!!)
sob sob sob
Kei regrets what he's done and loses his zest for life. Back in
the real world, he jumps on the train track to get a boy's hat but 
he doesn't get off. After Tae Kojima cries and implores him to 
not die, the he returns to his senses (D'AAWWW...) :3

don't let go, Jack

Kei takes care of Ayumu and

yo a new bro in da house

in his next mission, Kei changes and uses the approaches that
would make everybody safe.

be safe. use xxxxxx LOL


I dislike gore and bloods splattering but aside from that I enjoyed
it. The story is easy to understand and they don't cram too much
information. Some dislikes Nino playing Kei because he didn't
give the 'same vibes'. I think he did fairly well. People who expect
to get the 'exact face' like Kei, I would say, come on! They could
do even worse! They said the same about Fujiwara Tatsuya 
when he played Kira Raito in Deathnote and I was like pppffffff 
Tatsuya is still the best choice! His acting cops are ubersome!
Kenichi Matsuyama is of course awesome and when he died I was

but seriously worth every Ringgit :DD

And my usual SPAM SECTION ahaha XDDDD
Because they're worth it

A bishi is a bishi does
a smile :-)
serius face but still bishiful
do the pout Kanata oh you're HAWT!!
There's also a preview of the second movie
GANTZ:The Final Answer
who's that I see-is Kato still AHLAIV??!!
Welcome Yamada Takayuki, into the bishi world of GANTZ *nosebleed*
Shion Izumi(I think) is an as***** alive or dead
Reika(my speculation) the third angle in a love triangle
What's Tae doin on Gantz' black ball?
TEH AWESOME face that haunts my sleepless nights
BTW,  TL;DR hahaha XPPPP