Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ya Habibi (Wahai Kekasih!)

Semasa saya kecil, saya pernah menziarahi atuk sedare
saya yang memang setiap kali raye saya pergi melawat
beliau. Mase tengah syok minum air gas, atuk tuh pun
bercerita pasal mimpinya malam tadi. Beliau bercerita
yang beliau telah bermimpi bertemu dengan baginda
Rasulullah S.A.W. Masih saya ingat akan butir cerita atuk tu.
Kata beliau, wajah Rasulullah amat indah, melihat beliau
bagaikan melihat bulan purnama.  Malam yang gelap kan
menjadi cerah. Warna kulit Baginda amat lain daripada
yang lain, seolah-olah Baginda bukan berasal dari bumi.
Beliau turut berkata beliau amat merindui untuk bertemu
dengan Rasulullah S.A.W.

Semasa atuk bercerita, saya terdiam. Yelah, baru 12 tahun, saya
tak tahu apa-apa. Semasa di kereta dalam perjalanan pulang, 
terdengar pakcik dan ibu berbual. Mereka mengatakan bahawa
pada kebiasaanya, orang yang bermimpi bertemu Rasulullah S.A.W
amat beruntung dan dinaikkan martabatnya. Dan pada kebiasaanya
juga, mereka akan meninggal tidak lama kemudian.

Benar juga bualan ibu dan pakcik. Hari Raya pada tahun seterusnya,
atuk sedara saya itu telah tiada. Allahu Akbar! Semoga atuk saya tuh
ditempatkan di jannah bersama-sama Rasulullah S.A.W yang dirindui..



- The Most Influential Person in History....TWICE! 

- Semasa Baginda berdakwah di Tha'if, Baginda S.A.W 
telah dilontar batu bata sehingga berdarah. Apabila datang Malaikat
Jibrail kepadanya mengatakan 'kalau kamu mahu mahu, akan
aku hancurkan kampung ini dengan gunung ganang disekelilingya'
Mendengar tawaran malaikat itu, Rasulullah saw. dengan sifat kasih sayangnya berkata,

"Walaupun mereka menolak ajaran Islam, saya berharap dengan kehendak Allah, 
keturunan mereka pada suatu saat nanti akan menyembah Allah dan beribadah kepada-Nya."

Berkat kasih dan kesabaran Rasulullah S.A.W, penduduk Tha'if kemudiannya
memeluk Islam dan sehingga kini kuat berjuang untuk agama tercinta ini 

- Kebanyakan Nabi/Rasul selepas kewafatan mereka, diangkat ke langit,
tetapi Rasulullah S.A.W, kuburnya di Madinah, dan menanti di sana. Baginda
pernah berkata bahawa dia ada di makamnya-dan sesiapa yang menziarahi
makam disana, samalah seperti menziarahi Baginda ketika masih hidup. 

-umat Muhammad mempunyai keimanan yang menakjubkan.
Rasulullah S.A.W pernah bersabda,
Tahukah kalian siapakah yang imannya menakjubkan Allah ?
Para SAHABAT menjawab : Tentu saja para Malaikat Ya Rasulullah.  

'Itu telah jelas bagaimana para Malaikat tidak akan beriman kepada Allah,
Sementara mereka tahu benar apa yang diperintahkan oleh Allah'

jawab Rasulullah S.A.W

Lalu para SAHABAT melanjutkan lagi, 'para Nabi Nabi Allah, Ya Rasulullah.' 

'Bagaimana mungkin para Nabi tidak beriman kepada Allah, sedangkan Jibril selalu datang kepada mereka dengan perintah dari langit,' jawab Rasulullah S.A.W lagi.
'Tentunya sudah pasti para sahabat Tuan yang hebat keimanannya'.  

'Bagaimana para sahabatku tidak beriman sementara mereka menyaksikan sendiri Mujizatku, dan Aku selalu memberi kabar tentang Wahyu wahyu yang aku terima.'

Dan pada saat itu para SAHABAT terdiam untuk memikirkan jawabannya.
Kemudian Nabi SAW melanjutkan kata katanya : 'Orang yang imannya sangat mengagumkan adalah mereka yang datang setelah Aku, mereka beriman kepadaku padahal mereka tidak melihatku dan mereka membenarkannya, padahal tidak kenal aku kepada mereka semua. Maka mereka mereka itulah yang akan menjadi teman temanku.'

-Semasa Nabi Musa A.S mendengar cerita mengenai kelebihan umat Muhammad
S.A.W, beliau berkata' kalau begitu aku pun mahu jadi umat Muhammad' 
Nah, tidak cukup lagi untuk mencintai Rasulullah S.A.W?

-Sesungguhnya Allah SWT tidak pernah memanggil Rasulullah dengan menyebut nama beliau, akan tetapi dengan menyebut “wahai nabiku.” Sedangkan nabi-nabi sebelumnya dipanggil dengan menyebut nama mereka.Kerana itualah tidak dibolehkan bagi siapapun yang memanggil Rasulullah Saw dengan menyebut nama. Sedangkan nabi-nabi sebelumnya telah dipanggil umatnya dengan sebutan nama.

Janganlah kamu jadikan panggilan Rasulullah S.A.Wdi antara kamu seperti panggilan sebahagian kamu kepada sebahagian (yang lain). Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengetahui orang-orang yang berangsur-angsur pergi di antara kamu dengan berlindung (kepada kawannya), maka hendaklah orang-orang yang menyalahi perintah-Nya takut akan ditimpa cubaan atau ditimpa azab yang pedih. (QS. An-Nur 63)

-Firman Allah yang bermaksud, 'Dan Kami tidak utuskan engkau (Wahai Muhammad) melainkan sebagai Rahmat sekelian alam (Al Anbiya':107)


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Teachers and Nasi Bungkus

Nasi bungkus. I love nasi bungkus. Nothing is more
delicious than having all the right and rich delicacies
wrapped together. With infused aroma and the mashing
of kuah, it becomes apparent why Malaysia is a food 
heaven and why my waistline keeps expanding duh 

Now if you've read newspaper lately, there's a debacle
that teachers who went on courses are given nasi bungkus
as opposed to ala carte/or buffet. And according to reports,
NUTP is concerned about this. It is as if teachers are
substandard government officers.

Honestly, I don't know what they serve the other government 
officers because I never went to that territory. But I heard the 
budget allocated this year for education ministry is so bad that
there are teachers who have to buy their own food instead of
even nasi bungkus when they go for courses!

Some people say we(teachers) are ungrateful. When people out
there are suffering from  unemployment, retrenchement,
no bonuses bla bla bla...teachers are complaining even when they
are given free food... teachers should understand and serve serve
serve serve serve serve lol

As a teacher who experienced this, I say, yes, it's terrible.
We got nasi, a piece of chicken and one veggie dish.
But it's not much different than the buffet or ala-carte. Please,
don't imagine when they say buffet or ala-carte for teachers it 
means we got like 9 dishes of meat to choose from. NEVER.
Buffet usually means rice, 1 piece of chicken and 1 piece of
fish, 1 veggie dish, condiments(like budu/cincalok/belacan)
ulam and some cheap colourful fruit( usually the cheapest
like watermelons and papayas. NEVER apples/pears/bananas
kiwis/peach/grapes lol)

Now, are we still a demanding lot? Isn't that what the teachers 
eat at the school canteen? And when we go  for a course, which
is so far, with no claim on travelling expenses, we expect good or 
standard food at least. We left the school with so many unfinished 
work because of the course and we will have to make up and find 
time to do it all, and still they give us substandard food. And 
EVERBODY KNOWS that teachers are paid dirt cheap salary.

Plus, WE DO EAT nasi bungkus a lot. It's just that we have not been
complaining. I've gone to HKSBP 5 times and 5 times for the
northern zone and everytime we get nasi bungkus. That's not
counting other events that I couldn't remember because it's not a big
deal. But giving us that substandard food during courses is bad.

Heck, anything substandard is bad. Period. Would you like
substandard teaching from us?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Frankly Scarlet, I don't give a damn

Recently I was informed by a friend that one of my friends
whom we've lost contact were asking about me-about
where I am, where am I teaching, what happens to me and
etc etc.
I am annoyed, really.
I havehad a lot of friends, who, when we were together, I have
always thought to be my dearest friends.
However, it has all been an illusion. When our lives took us
apart and we started a new life, I was left behind.
To make matters worse I was posted to a SBP school, and
none of my friends were. Whenever I talked about the probs
I had teaching in SBP, they would shrug me off and say, "Hey,
it's all in a day's work" After receiving such poor and unfriendlike
reception, I decided to switch off. I don't need those people who 
are my friends only when they need me and just ignore me when
they like. 
I am a person, too.
Everyday I pray to God that I won't ever do that to people.
I have a score of good friends(or so I thought) when I left
university/school. But, as soon as they got married, I am
left behind. No more time for  girlfriends. Husband comes
first followed by babies. bff can rot  wherever thay are
for all they care.
Now, after 10 years, when the husbands don't look that
delish anymore and babies are no longer heavenly, suddenly
they remember their friends?
Hello bff, I got news for you. The ship has sailed 10 years ago.
The grass yonder is greener.
Please don't come and search for me and pretend to care.
If u don't know whether i'm married or not or where i'm living 
now, could u call urself my friend? 

b4 i end this melodrama, let me recite some lines from the
Great Gloria Gaynor,
'Go now just go, walk out the door,
Just turn around now, you're not welcomed anymore,
weren't u the 1 who tried to hurt me with goodbye,
you'd think i'd crumble, you'd think i'll lay down and die,
Oh no NOT I, I will survive,
Oh, as long as I know how to love I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live and I've got all my love to give
And I'll survive, I will survive, oh'

Thursday, February 11, 2010

People don't read that much, they'll just blow up!

I just remembered something. Remember my last post about the GPM meeting? Well, it was an okay event-meaning it's ok if I go and it's also ok if I don't go. Much like the requisite thursdays staff meetings that pretty much has no big impact just because it is done too often.

Well, back to my story. There's a session in that GPM meeting about NILAM and the speaker apparently related to us her(if I remember correctly) view that "Students don't read hundreds of books, they can't "

I was shocked upon hearing this because in my school there are students who did read like, hundreds and there's one girl who has read over 1,000 books and she was awarded by the Education Department in Perak. I have her certs proving that. Maybe that's why when I sent her name to be a candidate for NILAM negeri, we did not get any reply. Bah Hambug!

Besides, it's not that she read those thousands book in one year- it was done in the course of 3 years. Let say she reads 1 book per day 365x 3=1095. Now, is 1,000 so unfeasible? What if she reads only those thin 180-200 pages of storybooks, of course she could finish it in one day!

And le me reveal a bit about myself. When I was in ITM( the former name of UiTM), my English was not very good-given my background. But I love literature and storybooks. Everyday, without fail, I would go to the library in section 17 and borrow one storybook. I was a fast reader. So fast I could a contemporary/romance/fiction novel that was as thick as 1,000 pages at one night and one sitting. By the end of my two years in section 17, I had practically read all the novels and books, minus those science reference books that I could not understand even when I tried (yes, I did try).
And reading has made me become so much more-I improved in my studies tremendously and I'm practically a walking dictionary for my friends, even till today, after 8 years of graduating( I STILL get sms from friends asking about the meaning/antonyms of certain words)

My point is,people CAN and DO read that much, and they are much improved because of that. Reading liberates and conquers. And don't underestimate the school children because they are wonderful identities with unexplored possibilities and unleashed potentials..

In Libris Libertas

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


After almost a month, I finally got to it.
It was a very busy and hectic month, 
what not with the school schedule and 
my-not-so-well condition.

Today I was in school, and after 3 consecutive periods, I thought I would finally get some time to put my feet up. Right.. My phone rang and a sweet voice over it asked me why I didn't go to the meeting of GPM (Guru Perpustakaan dan Media) that is held annually and much like agrand function to congregate those hundreds of GPMs from all over KL only to be treated to bad food and apparently slashed budget! Okay I'm going off topic but what's with that?
Ok, so I was naturally shocked cuz I got the letter and it was dated tomorrow. Apparently the letter was dated today but next to the stated date there is a bracket that stated (Rabu). So, the accepting me put it in my brain that it would be on tomorrow when the date is actually 9th Feb. So, because it was not ENTIRELY my fault, they didn't, like, fume at me, but instead asked me to leave for the venue pronto. So I went-the tired me, who didn't get enough rest due to stupid irrational meetings on monday to the venue. When I arrived, pretty much the morning sessions were over and I was called to 'move my car cuz i parked at unreasonable space' DARN...
So I went home at 5pm and arrived home at 5.36 pm something..poor me.
Oh, what I'd give to stay at home tomorrow..