Tuesday, December 10, 2013

So Vampire Knight ended..

Ugh. That sums up what I feel about this manga. And I had so much hope. Obviously something went wrong somewhere. I, the fickle that I am, has abandoned this like, erm, ages since it turned into something like pandering to the fans. Oh ya, it ended on May 2013 so I was late. Better late than never :)

The ending was, umm, horrible? I have no words. I'm really glad I stopped reading and buying it. Let me be honest, I'm a Zero fan. I like his character, his good looks, no. He has the trappings of every bad thing around him but he grows up fine and wiser. Look, if you read the story from the beginning, a lot of his past was fleshed out meticulously, it's hard not to root for him. Unlike Kaname. I could sense this is the OTP the manga was building. So in the beginning I rooted for Zero-Yuki. I liked Yuki. She was a great character, she had a kind heart and she cared about Zero. Now she's just meh, trapped between two guys. And she could never pick one. Double meh. You know, you don't just build this fantastic relationship and then do a detour. It kills the story and makes the buildings a waste and waste my time.

Owh the ending. Apparently Yuki ends up with Zero only because Kaname died. Really. Argue with me all you want but I think Yuki really loved Kaname to the point she sacrificed herself for him (and if she really loved Zero, she wouldn't have feelings for Kaname) I could sense that the author was torn between the two factions. And I heard in Japan the Kaname faction rules. Yikes. So the author gives us the ending of Yuki having children of both men (don't ask) and Zero gets to spend 1000 years with Yuki. But you know what, Yuki loved Kaname more. And Zero doesn't deserve Yuki. He deserves someone better. I'd like it if Zero ended up with someone else (people don't always end up with people they love you know) and have those adorable twins. Let Yuki end up with Kaname sheesh.
Still the best image ever from VK!
 I don't judge a story by its ending, especially is the journey is great. VK has all that would make a great manga. It has great drawings too. Too bad it becomes sour halfway through. My favourite story arc is the arc of Zero and his twin, Ichiru. I feel so much for both of them, till now. That is what I will best remember VK about. 
 I'm glad it ended early. And one thing for sure I'm not gonna start a manga with ambigous OTP. Sucks.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Malaysia is number 56 in PISA for Reading, Maths and Science

I feel sad. Well, as an educator, I wish the results were better but then again, I am trapped in this education system that emphasizes on exams rather than learning and studying. Msia, apparently reads less than the average number and performs below average too in science and maths. I am not shocked. I am just disappointed. I hope, as a teacher, I am not churning out people who don't like reading but I hope I help in building people with character and sensitivities.

I am extremely jealous of students overseas who read at every chance they get. I do it too. But not my students. Not all of them, I know,  but many of them. I read a lot of books but I think I'm the only one in my immediate surroundings who does it. My siblings don't share my enthusiasm and my parents even more. Not their fault but it's the way the society is constructed. I read Sherlock Holmes and nobody I know reads it. I really am alone. It's a struggle at school. I know many of my colleagues don't read so how am I suppose to inspire the students? And they read thrash like those romance novels. I did too. I was young too but I also read all those fantastic literature on the side. 

Please read. Reading is for your soul like food is for your body.